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The syntax

SLCheck -p <port number> -a <ip address> [-u <URL>] [-r <return text>] [-w <timeout>] [-a2 <ip address>] [-r2 <return text>] [-u2 <URL>] [-NoBatch] [-NoOkBatch] [-NoErrorBatch] [-NoSLBatch] [–SLFile <filename>] [-SLTime <time>]

-p <port number> Port number that should be requested, e.g. 80 for HTTP
-a <ip address> IP address or hostname of the server to be requested
-u <URL> only  HTTP: URL that should be requested, default = "/"
-r <return text> expected answer from the server, e.g. „HTTP/1.0 200 OK“ for HTTP
-w <timeout> timeout in ms, default = 2000
-NoBatch no batch file will be executed
-NoOkBatch no batch file should be executed if check is OK
-NoErrorBatch no timeout, mismatch and fatal batch will be executed, only SL batch and OK batch
-NoSLBatch no service level alarm batches will be executed
-a2 <ip address> only HTTP: IP address or hostname of a second server
-u2 <URL> only HTTP: second URL that should be requested
-r2 <return text> only HTTP: expected answer for the second request, e.g. HTTP/1.0 200 OK for HTTP
-SLFile <filename> Filename of the service level report file (comma separated)
-SLTime <time> Response time in ms of the Service Level Agreement, is set to <timeout> if not specified
-d <directory> Directory under C:\SLCheck for individual batch files. Must contain the batch files CheckOK.cmd, CheckTimeout.cmd etc.


How does SLCheck

Service Level

Monitor your Internet

HTTP Monitoring

FTP Monitoring

SMTP Monitoring

POP3 Monitoring

Answer strings

Command line Syntax

Batch files parameters



